age groups excel: can not find the proper function?

2024-03-14 20:30:05
age groups excel: can not find the proper function

I have an excel sheet with 4 columns where the age groups are defined like this: Age 17-34 Age 35-49 Age 50-79 Age 80+

the value should be 1 or 0 if the person belongs to one of these groups . I want to find a function that automatically assigns the person to each group according to the age value that I have inserted in a separated age column..

Thank you for your help


I tried some tutorials but they were not helpful. i also tried the IF functon without success


In my case it works by using this :

=IF(AND(A2>=17, A2<=34), 1, 0)  ' Age 17-34
=IF(AND(A2>=35, A2<=49), 1, 0)  ' Age 35-49
=IF(AND(A2>=50, A2<=79), 1, 0)  ' Age 50-79
=IF(A2>=80, 1, 0)               ' Age 80+



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