1206dev Admin
2023-11-22 17:02:27
You need to recreate the material in Unity. Just import the textures and the model into Unity, then right-click in the file browser and select "New Material". Select this material in the inspector. Th...
1206dev Admin
2023-10-28 22:18:37
I think somthing like this:public static object GetObjectByKey(object[] objData, string key){ return objData.FirstOrDefault(obj => obj.GetType().GetProperty("key").GetValue(obj).ToString() == key);...
1206dev Admin
2023-10-28 21:40:33
Từ xa xưa, vàng hay ngọc được xem là những vật phẩm giá trị mang tới tiền tài phú quý, thành toại công danh. Bạc là vật phẩm chống tà trừ ma, xua đuổi vận khí đen đủi. Vòng tay vàng, bạc, ngọc còn có...
1206dev Admin
2023-09-10 15:06:33
The problem was in a mismatch between VPN MTU and Linux under WSL2 MTU sizes. It can be identified via 2 commands: Windows PowerShell (run as administrator) netsh interface ipv4 show subinterfaces Not...
Tags: git gitlab github
2022-12-25 23:05:02
When initializing the client object, you should pass the event loop to TelegramClient like:from telethon import TelegramClient loop = asyncio.new_event_loop() client = TelegramClient(..., loop=loo...
Tags: error
2022-12-25 23:03:12
class Iter: def each(self, data): yield from data if __name__ == "__main__": test = Iter() for i in test.each([1, 2, 3]): print(I) To implement the each method in python that is simil...
Tags: error
2022-12-25 22:59:51
In your first approach, you are only executing regex.Match once, so you are always looking at the very same match until your code throws an Exception. Depending on whether your first match is at index...
Tags: error Solution c#
2022-12-25 22:56:37
Besides the typo, the issue is that your getStyles function returns a general object, whereas MUI styled expects a CSSObject (or, to be more accurate, in your case, a function that returns said CSSObj...
Tags: Coding error MUI
2022-12-25 22:53:53
To connect a Discord bot created in JavaScript with an SQLite database using the information provided, you will need to use an SQLite client library for JavaScript. There are several options available...
Tags: database discord sqlite
2022-12-11 20:39:15
Okay at the end of screen B try creating this class:class AlwaysDisabledFocusNode extends FocusNode { @override bool get hasFocus => false; } then in your function try this:onPressed: () asy...
Tags: Flutter Solution


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