Connect a discord bot with sqlite database?

2022-12-25 22:53:53

Could u please help me in: how to connect a discord bot created in javascript with sqlite Database using those informations: -host: -port: -name: -user: -pass: And Also how to get the database prefix?? Please make in consideration that i'm creating the bot in replit.( Windows ) Thanks a lot waiting for ur responses.

This the code i have to complet...


i tried Nothing coz im new in using sqlite databases; i need help with this please..


To connect a Discord bot created in JavaScript with an SQLite database using the information provided, you will need to use an SQLite client library for JavaScript. There are several options available, but one popular choice is the sqlite3 package.

First, you will need to install the sqlite3 package in your project. You can do this by running the following command in your project directory:

npm install sqlite3

Next, you can use the following code to create a connection to the SQLite database and perform queries on it:

const sqlite3 = require('sqlite3');

const db = new sqlite3.Database(DB_NAME, (err) => {
  if (err) {
  console.log('Connected to the SQLite database.');

// You can now perform queries on the database using the `db` object.
// For example:
db.all('SELECT * FROM users', (err, rows) => {
  if (err) {

// Don't forget to close the connection when you're done.
db.close((err) => {
  if (err) {
  console.log('Closed the database connection.');

The DB_TABLE_PREFIX variable in your code is used to specify a prefix for the names of the tables in your database. This can be useful if you want to use the same database for multiple Discord bots, or if you want to differentiate between different types of data in the same database. To use the table prefix, you can simply prepend it to the names of your tables when performing queries on the database.

For example, if your DB_TABLE_PREFIX is dsctickets_ and you want to select all rows from a table named users, you would use the following query:

SELECT * FROM dsctickets_users


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