Git and gnutls_handshake() failed: Error in the pull function errror

2023-09-10 15:06:33

when i pull source code from git, i give a error: fatal: unable to access 'https://git....': gnutls_handshake() failed: Error in the pull function.

how to fix?


The problem was in a mismatch between VPN MTU and Linux under WSL2 MTU sizes.

It can be identified via 2 commands: Windows PowerShell (run as administrator)

 netsh interface ipv4 show subinterfaces

Notice the first row - it shows how big MTU is allowed in your VPN.

Linux (inside WSL2) console

ip addr

Notice the row starting 'eth0' - its MTU must match or be lower that the one above. In my case the MTU in Linux was higher.

Solution The following command instantly solves the problem:

sudo ip link set dev eth0 mtu 1400

(update MTU value to fit your VPN)



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