Angular 17 WebSocket is not defined?

2024-03-09 23:00:12
Angular 17 WebSocket is not defined

I have a SpringBoot application, where I configured a WebSocket, which I can connect to with Postman. I have it up on ws://localhost:8050. With only one namespace,"socket".

I tried configuring a native angular websocket and a simple connect, running into an internal server error.


I tried to create the WebSocket connection like this.

    this.socket = new WebSocket("ws://localhost:8050/socket")

I am not importing any library like 'ws' for this constructor, it is simply the native one.

I get this error.

[vite] Internal server error: WebSocket is not defined

I expect to be able to connect to the server.


When you are working with SSR. You need to prevent server-side rendering or build tools from executing WebSocket code.

I would suggest to check if the window object is available before initializing the WebSocket.

if (typeof window !== 'undefined') {
    this.socket = new WebSocket("ws://localhost:8050/socket");

This will ensure the WebSocket is only created in a browser environment.

Or you could work with platformId and isPlatformBrowser. This is a better example for Angular as opposed to the first one, which is more JS.

import { Component, OnInit, Inject, PLATFORM_ID } from '@angular/core';
import { isPlatformBrowser } from '@angular/common';

  // Your html, scss etc...
export class MyComponent implements OnInit {

    private isBrowser: boolean;

    constructor(@Inject(PLATFORM_ID) private platformId: Object) {
        this.isBrowser = isPlatformBrowser(this.platformId);

    ngOnInit() {
        if (this.isBrowser) {
            // Connect to WebSockets here
        } else {
            // Work without websockets or do nothing

With this approach your Angular application should correctly differentiate between server and browser environments, and only attempt to use WebSockets when in the browser.



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