Github - I have to manually edit PR to set the correct base branch?

2024-03-11 14:30:04
How to Github - I have to manually edit PR to set the correct base branch

On GitHub, I created my branch as follows:

enter image description here

Afterwards I created a PR corresponding to this branch. That PR showed 'development' branch as the 'Source' (base), instead of the 'v6.0.0' branch which is what I had used as the base/source.

To fix this, I had to manually edit the PR on GitHub and reset the base branch as follows:

enter image description here

Did that PR initially show the base/source as 'development' because 'development' is set as the default? (I am not the GitHub administrator, so I am not involved in that decision.)

Is there a better way so that the PR, from the get-go, shows the intended base branch and not the default base branch?

Thank you.


From the Github Pull Request docs...

By default, pull requests are based on the parent repository's default branch.

Is there a better way so that the PR, from the get-go, shows the intended base branch and not the default base branch?

Git branches don't remember what they were branched from, they're very simple labels.

Github could remember that information, I guess it doesn't. If it did, it would only work on branches made on Github.



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