How do i get the pure object out of promise object when i do promise inside promise?

2024-03-13 05:00:10
How do i get the pure object out of promise object when i do promise inside promise?

here is what i get in browser console and the code. I need first promise "starships" to get an array of url links, then i need second promise for "movieURLs" to get an object from each of that link. But when i finish it all i always get a Promise object with a pure object inside it and i need that object to access it and cannot when its in that form.

Im doing it in React.

this is what i get in console:

  1. (3) [Promise, Promise, Promise]

    1. 0: Promise

      1. [[Prototype]]: Promise

      2. [[PromiseState]]: "fulfilled"

      3. [[PromiseResult]]: Object

        1. id: 4

        2. releaseDate: "1977-05-25"

        3. title: "A New Hope"

        4. [[Prototype]]: Object

    2. 1: Promise

      1. [[Prototype]]: Promise

      2. [[PromiseState]]: "fulfilled"

      3. [[PromiseResult]]: Object

        1. id: 6

        2. releaseDate: "1983-05-25"

        3. title: "Return of the Jedi"

        4. [[Prototype]]: Object

    3. 2: Promise {<fulfilled>: {…}}

    4. length: 3

    5. [[Prototype]]: Array(0)

My code:

            .then((result) => result[0][starshipIndex].films)
            .then((movieUrls) =>
                movieUrls.map((movieUrl: any) =>
                    getMovies(movieUrl).then((data) => data[0]),
            .then((movieList) => setMovies(movieList))
            .catch((error) => console.warn(error))

I tried to use .result or .response or .response.items, but i always get undefined


This results in a Promise:

getMovies(movieUrl).then((data) => data[0])

Which means this returns an array of Promise objects:

movieUrls.map((movieUrl: any) =>
  getMovies(movieUrl).then((data) => data[0]),

You can resolve those promises with a call to Promise.all, which would return a Promise that resolves to the array of results. For example:

.then((movieUrls) =>
  Promise.all(movieUrls.map((movieUrl: any) =>
    getMovies(movieUrl).then((data) => data[0]),

In which case the next .then() callback would get the array of results, rather than the array of Promise objects.



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