Html - Having trouble applying border images?

2024-03-10 21:00:09
How to Html - Having trouble applying border images

I'm currently working on a school project where I need to apply multiple border images to an element using border-image-source. However, I'm encountering issues where only one of the border images is displayed, while the other is not being applied. It would show up as a grey border instead if both of the borders are applied, as shown below (left). When I alternate between both borders, it appears as shown in the middle and right images. However, when I try to enable both in the inspect element, it doesn't work (right). helpme

Here's the full class code

// CSS
.calendar {
    height: 300px;
    width: 400px;
    margin: 0 auto;
    margin-top: 50px;
    background-image: url(calendarbg.png); 
    background-size: auto; 
    background-position: center;
    /* ^^ not relevant, i guess ^^ */

    border-style: solid;
    border-image-source:  url(border1.png);
    /* border-image-source: url(border.png); */
    border-image-slice: 30 fill;
    border-width: 20px;
// HTML 
<table class="calendar">
            <th colspan="7" class="mHeader"> January </th>

I tried simplifying the code, tried different images, issue still persists. I can't seem to have both two image sources running for some reason...


As I understand your problem you want to set right and left borders to be one image and top and bottom borders to be another. I think you should use border-image property here. It gives you an ability to set custom borders on all sides by using 1 image containing all borders.

Your resulting code would look probably something like this:

border-image: url("border.png") 27;

Where url() - contains path to your image and 27 is the amount of pixels browser would offset to divide it into nine regions: four corners, four edges and a middle.

If it isn't sufficient check border-image-slice property

P.S. I myself never used it and don't know much about it so keep it in mind.



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