HTML5 Section or Article?

2024-03-10 21:00:04
How to HTML5 Section or Article

Let's say I have this part of my website (project to make a webshop):

<section id="GraphicsCards">
        <h2>Graphics Cards</h2>
            <h3>Radeon GPUs</h3>
                <h4>ASUS Dual Radeon RX 7800 XT OC</h4>
                <p>1x HDMI, 3x DisplayPort, RDNA 3</p>
                <img src="../media/GPUs/rx7800xt.png" alt="rx7800xt">
                <p class="price">Price: € 549.00</p>
                <a href="./p_RX7800_details.html">More details</a>

            <h3>Nvidia GPUs</h3>
                <h4>GIGABYTE GeForce RTX 4060 EAGLE OC 8G</h4>
                <p>2x HDMI, 2x DisplayPort, DLSS 3</p>
                <img src="../media/GPUs/rtx4060.png" alt="rtx4060">
                <p class="price">Price: € 349.00</p>
                <p>More details</p>

Would there be any use in changing any of them in articles or should I just keep them as is? I'm still a bit confused as to which one I should use.

Researched a bit but still quite confused, I can use both but I want to make sure it's properly made so that when I continue working on it and use CSS it can be properly designed.


Technically there's no difference in using <section> vs <article>. Both behave exactly like <div> tags. So for styling with CSS it does not matter which of them (or other div-like elements) you use.

But they are what's called semantic HTML elements, so they convey a meaning. Which matters for

  • readability of ones code (to developers)
  • accessiblity (to visually impaired people who use screen readers)
  • SEO (search engine crawlers can better understand what your site is about)

According to W3C (who develops the HTML standard):

The section element represents a section of a document, typically with a title or heading. ~ Link

The article element represents a section of content that forms an independent part of a document or site; for example, a magazine or newspaper article, or a blog entry. ~ Link

In your case the two outer <section> elements make perfect sense, but you could turn the innermost <section>s into <article>s, because as products they're somewhat self-contained and independent.



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