Is there a way to merge a variable number of ranges in an array together in Excel/Sheets?

2024-03-11 13:00:05
Is there a way to merge a variable number of ranges in an array together in Excel/Sheets?

I have two arrays. One contains string values referring to other ranges of the sheet (other pages). The ranges that the strings are referencing have a constant column size (horizontal, 4 in this case) but may differ in row size (vertical). The other array contains a list of names. Both arrays are the same size, with positioning corresponding to each. I want to obtain a longer range from this data, with the names of the second array to the right of each range respectively. Preferably with a single function/cell, spilling over to the space required. I would extremely dislike to have to use google appscript/vba script. Layout of the problem:


Reference Name
FirstPage!A2:D4 Bob
SecondPage!A3:D5 Adam


row# Id Amount Goods Price
2 23 45 Celery 120$
3 12 34 Radish 100$
4 8 32 friedegg 50$


row# Id Amount Goods Price
3 35 23 Lettuce 32$
4 10 64 Milk 87$
5 9 95 cpus 234$

Wanted Output:

row# Id Amount Goods Price Name
2 23 45 Celery 120$ Bob
3 12 34 Radish 100$ Bob
4 8 32 friedegg 50$ Bob
5 35 23 Lettuce 32$ Adam
6 10 64 Milk 87$ Adam
7 9 95 cpus 234$ Adam

What I have tried:

lambda(id, MAKEARRAY(rows(indirect(index(MainSheet!A2:A999, id))), 5, LAMBDA(row, column, if(column=5, index(MainSheet!B2:B999, id), index(INDIRECT(index(MainSheet!A2:A999, id)), row, column)))))(1)

\-> works for individual ranges, but I can´t figure out how to merge them (hence the question title) (just replace the 1 with the id of the reference)

VSTACK(makearray(counta(MainSheet!A2:A999), 1, lambda(id, _, MAKEARRAY(rows(indirect(index(MainSheet!A2:A999, id))), 5, LAMBDA(row, column, if(column=5, index(MainSheet!B2:B999, id), index(INDIRECT(index(MainSheet!A2:A999, id)), row, column)))))))

\-> "result should be in a single row" error

reduce({},makearray(counta(MainSheet!A2:A999), 1, lambda(id, _, MAKEARRAY(rows(indirect(index(MainSheet!A2:A999, id))), 5, LAMBDA(row, column, if(column=5, index(MainSheet!B2:B999, id), index(INDIRECT(index(MainSheet!A2:A999, id)), row, column)))))), LAMBDA(array, array2, array&array2))

\-> "Reference error": it seems that reduce() doesn't work with arrays as an initial value. (I've also tried forcing it with arrayformula()


  • Use REDUCE to iterate A2:A3 and get the references
  • OFFSET to get the corresponding name,
  • INDIRECT to get the corresponding range from the given reference,
  • IF/SEQUENCE to create duplicate names according to the number of ROWS in the range
  • STACK the range and names Horizontally and finally Vertically stack the current iterator result with the previous accumulator.
        ref, c,
        name, OFFSET(c,0,1),
        range, INDIRECT(ref),
        names, IF(SEQUENCE(ROWS(range)),name),


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