Java - springboot start loge change?

2024-03-14 06:00:07
How to Java - springboot start loge change

i have a litte work , and i musst change the loge in spring boot to anther loge(the client logo) i think it is nice , to make anther logo in software i want to change the Springboot start logo and set the client image logo. i know it is in file properties , but maybe some one can help because some answer it is wrong . enter image description here

anther image logo


If you want to change the Springbok starting logo with another logo, that is acceptable , but If you want to change the Springbok starting logo with another image , that is unacceptable

go to webseite

https://www.asciiart.eu/food-and-drinks and go to Image to ASCII , and upload the image , and the website will change the image to logo , of course you can change the size , and you can see it . after this copy the logo . now open the springbok project and hand create a new file and for example give him (log.ascii) in resources and pas the logo in file , and go to application.properties and write


and run the springbok project , and you will see your logo . if you have a problem , or you have a question , write again




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