Javascript - I created a function that creates objects, I want the objects created from that function to have a unique key. How can I do that?

2024-03-11 19:00:07
Javascript - I created a function that creates objects, I want the objects created from that function to have a unique key. How can I do that?

In the pAequorFactory(), when invoking that function to create an object. I want the .specimenNum to be unique for all objects. Check the code below

const pAequorFactory = (specimenNum, dna) => {
  return {

    mutate() {
      randomBaseIndex = Math.floor[Math.random * 15];
      mutatedBase = returnRandBase();
      if (this.dna[randomBaseIndex] !== mutatedBase) {
        this.dna[randomBaseIndex] === mutatedBase;
        return this.dna;
      } else {

    compareDNA(object) {
      for (i = 0; i < 15; i++) {
        let j = 0;
        if (object.dna[i] === this.dna[i]) {
        let commonPercentage = (j / 15) * 100;
      return `specimen #${this.specimenNum} and specimen #${object.specimenNum} have ${commonPercentage}% DNA in common`;

    willLikelySurvive() {
      for (i = 0; i < 15; i++) {
        let j = 0;
        if (this.dna[i] === "C" || this.dna[i] === "G") {
        let survivePercentage = (j / 15) * 100;
      return survivePercentage >= 60;

I haven't tried anything yet but I am thinking of a way to compare .specimenNum of each object.


The best way is to use closure

const pAequorFactory = () => {
  let specimenCount = 0; // To keep track of the number of specimens created

  return (dna) => {
    specimenCount++; // Increment the specimen count for each new specimen
    return {
      specimenNum: specimenCount, // Assign a unique specimen number

      // Your remaining object properties here

// Example usage:
const createSpecimen = pAequorFactory();
const specimen1 = createSpecimen('ATCGATCGATCGATC');
const specimen2 = createSpecimen('GCTAGCTAGCTAGCT');

console.log(specimen1.specimenNum); // Output: 1
console.log(specimen2.specimenNum); // Output: 2

This will create unique object each time you call createSpecimen, unique property will be specimenNum.



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