Postgresql - postresql installed locally and use pgadmin with docker ; can not connect to my local database?

2024-03-17 03:30:04
Postgresql - postresql installed locally and use pgadmin with docker ; can not connect to my local database

I'm leaning docker and i have some issues. I have installed postrgesql on my computer (ubuntu), really installed, not with docker. it was a classic installation

I also installed pgadmin, and everyting is fine.

Now that i want to learn docker, i decided to install pgadmin with docker and connect to my postresql server which installed locally on my machine? I did not uninstall pgadmin which was locally installed.

To laucnh pgadmin with docker,i have this command:

docker run -p 5050:80 e '[email protected]' -e 'PGADMIN_DEFAULT_PASSWORD=test123' -d dpage/pgadmin4

then i went to y browser and entered:


pgadmin was launched in my brower, but i entered my crendentials given in docker;

Then i want to connect to my database, i gave the regular information:

**home address = localhost
port = 5432,
maintnance databatse = postgres
usermane = postgres**

password = *******

But i have a message which said it can't connect do I have to use 2 containers, one for pgadmin and one for pg?


Change your localhost to on Linux (Your case)

OBS: In some cases that will not be the default IP for Docker containers, so if that doesn't work, check your Docker IP using the following command:

ip -4 addr show scope global docker0

Change localhost to host.docker.internal on Windows and MacOS



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