Powershell - In power shell, I'm trying to convert some plain text input to a csv format?

2024-03-13 01:30:07
How to Powershell - In power shell, I'm trying to convert some plain text input to a csv format

I'm trying to create a csv file with data taken from a PDF file. Why? The bank has changed their web page and export of statements is in PDF only. My finance application requires the data in the form of a CSV file. Because of security, I do not want to use any cloud service where I upload my pdf and they will convert it to a csv. In PowerShell, I can get a text file as shown below after I cut/paste data into a text file:

The header should look like: "Date","Description"."Money out"."Money in"."Borrowings" My current input file (called vertical file) looks like below:

Money out,
Money in,
01 Feb 2024,
CDN Bank 1,
3490.43 CR,
01 Feb 2024,
Life Ins,
3118.20 CR,
01 Feb 2024,
Interac e-Transfer Receive,
3368.20 CR,
01 Feb 2024,
Water company,
3334.36 CR,

I need it to look like: Note: The date 01 Feb 2024 should be the start of each line.

"Date","Description","Money out","Money in","Borrowings"
"01 Feb 2024","CDN Bank 1","1601.87","3490.43 CR"
"01 Feb 2024","Life Ins"."372.23","3118.20 CR"
"01 Feb 2024","Interac e-Transfer Receive","250.00","3368.20 CR"
"01 Feb 2024","Water company","33.84","3334.36 CR"

I copy/pasted data from the PDF file into a Notepad++ file and ran the following code to delete data I did not need. The code to delete data I did not need is: Where-Object { $_ -notmatch 'James|CDNBnk|number|continued' This is to get rid of any line that contains James,CDNBnk,Number and continued as that data is not relevant to the data I need. And Yes, I need to figure out an extra blank line in each row because there is always a blank beneath money in OR money out. So, you are correct. If the header has 5 elements then so should the data.

 ``# Specify the input and output file paths
 $inputFile = "C:\Users\J\Downloads\input\VerticalFile.txt"
 $outputFile = "C:\Users\J\Downloads\Output\File.txt"

# Read the content of the input file
$lines = Get-Content $inputFile

# Append a comma to the end of each line and filter out the unwanted lines
$modifiedLines = $lines | ForEach-Object { $_ -replace '[,$]', '' } | ForEach-Object { $_ + ","    
} | Where-Object { $_ -notmatch 'James|CDNBnk|number|continued' }

# Write the modified content to the output file
$modifiedLines | Set-Content -Path $outputFile

# Display a message indicating successful completion
Write-Host "Commas added to each line and unwanted lines removed. Output written to 

The results are shown as the vertical file above.

The second read of the file needed to create each line that started with a data (01 Feb 2024)

The code I tried and fails with: "Exception calling "Substring" with "2" argument(s): "Index and length must refer to a location within the string."

``# Specify the input and output file paths
$inputFile = "C:\Users\J\Downloads\Output\Filea.txt"
$outputFile = "C:\Users\J\Downloads\Output\File2.txt"

# Read the content of the input file
$lines = Get-Content $inputFile

# Initialize an empty array to store the combined lines and create the header
$combinedLines = @("")

# Define an array of shortform months
$months = "Jan","Feb","Mar","Apr","May","Jun","Jul","Aug","Sep","Oct","Nov","Dec"

# Loop through each line in the input file
foreach ($line in $lines) {
# Split the line by comma and store the fields in an array
$fields = $line -split ","
# Check if the first field contains a shortform month
if ($months -contains $fields[0].Substring(0,5)) {
# If yes, add the line to the combined lines array
$combinedLines += $line
} else {
# If not, append the line to the last element of the combined lines array
$combinedLines[-1] += $line

# Write the combined lines to the output file
$combinedLines | Set-Content -Path $outputFile

# Display a message indicating successful completion
Write-Host "Lines combined by date. Output written to $outputFile"` 

The output of the above code is $combinedLines which is written to the Outputfile:

PS C:\WINDOWS\system32> $combinedLines Description,Money out,Money in,Borrowings,01 Feb 2024,CDN Bank 1,1601.87,3490.43 CR,01 Feb 2024,Life Ins,372.23,3118.20 CR,01 Feb 2024,Interac e-Transfer Receive,250.00,3368.20 CR,01 Feb 2024,Water company,33.84,3334.36 CR,


Try following

$inputFilename = 'c:\temp\test.txt'
$outputFilename = 'c:\temp\test.csv'
$headerRowsCount = 5
$dataRows = 4
$reader = [System.IO.StreamReader]::New($inputFilename)

$headerRows = @()
$rowCount = 0;
$table = [System.Collections.ArrayList]::new()
while(($line = $reader.ReadLine()) -ne $null)
   if($rowCount -lt $headerRowsCount)
      $headerRows += $line.Trim(@(" ", ","))
   else `
      $index = $itemCount % $dataRows
      if($rowCount -eq $headerRowsCount) {$itemCount = 0}
      if(($index) -eq 0) {$newRow = [pscustomobject]@{} }
      $newRow | Add-Member -NotePropertyName $headerRows[$index] -NotePropertyValue $line.Trim(@(" ", ","))

      if($index -eq 0) {$table.Add($newRow) | out-null}

$table | Export-Csv -Path $outputFilename -NoTypeInformation


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