Sql - How to GROUP BY based on newly created MAX() column?

2024-03-12 23:30:04
Sql - How to GROUP BY based on newly created MAX() column

My table:

Name ID Status
Roger Collins 904 3
Roger John Horspool 915 3
Roger John Shippey 932 3
Roger John Shippey & T.C. Rowell 5341 2
Roger John Shippey & T.C. Rowell 5341 3

Due to poor inputting, some people (e.g. R J Shippey & T C Rowell) have more than 1 'status' value. What I would like to do is do a GROUP BY on this table, but on the MAX value of status. So the table would look like this:

Name ID Max_Status
Roger Collins 904 3
Roger John Horspool 915 3
Roger John Shippey 932 3
Roger John Shippey & T.C. Rowell 5341 3

I have managed to make a new column with the Max_Status, like so:

Name ID Status Max_Status
Roger Collins 904 3 3
Roger John Horspool 915 3 3
Roger John Shippey 932 3 3
Roger John Shippey & T.C. Rowell 5341 2 3
Roger John Shippey & T.C. Rowell 5341 3 3

Using this code:

       MAX(Status) OVER(PARTITION BY Name) AS MaxStatus 

FROM [dbo].[TaskStatus_View]

But now I can't do a groupby based on the Max_Status column, because (from what I understand) I am creating it after I am accessing the original database so it just says invalid column name. So I am unsure on the next step. I have tried to put the Partition line into a subquery, but I can't really grasp this intuitively.


Here is how you can use your query as a subquery and perform the grouping

  SELECT Name,ID,Status,MAX(Status) OVER(PARTITION BY Name) AS MaxStatus 
FROM [dbo].[TaskStatus_View]
) t
GROUP BY Name,ID,MaxStatus


Name ID MaxStatus
Roger Collins 904 3
Roger John Horspool 915 3
Roger John Shippey 932 3
Roger John Shippey & T.C. Rowell 5341 3


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