Why orientation == Orientation.portrait is always true although my device is already in landscape

2022-12-11 20:38:02

I am trying to use OrientationBuilder in flutter, but the first if statement in my code is always true.

          builder: (context, orientation) {
            if (orientation == Orientation.portrait) {
              return _portraitMode();
            } else {
              return _landscapeMode();

I am trying to display two different things depending on the screen orientation of my phone. The problem is that, the first if statement is always true.


To get the current orientation of your device, you can take help of the MediaQuery class and get the orientation like :-

    var currOrientation = MediaQuery.of(context).orientation

And optimise your code like so,

    return currOrientation == Orientation.potrait ? _potraitMode() : _landscapeMode();

Hope this helps!



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