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Questions (19)
2024-03-13 10:30:05
You can use a windowed sum function for this: with cte as ( select * , sum(convert(int, IsReleased) + convert(int, IsRequired)) over (partition by id) IsIncluded from testt...
Tags: sql sql-server
2024-03-13 18:30:06
The real solution is to fix your design. Storing delimited data in your database is bad design, and the problems it causes are many; that you've encountered one today just tells you further to fix you...
Tags: sql-server
2024-03-13 20:30:04
Just one option using a ad-hoc tally/numbers table Select N ,YrMth = format(dateadd(month,-N,getdate()),'yyyyMM') From ( Select Top (121) N=-1+Row_Number() Over (Order By (Select NULL)...
Tags: sql-server
2024-03-14 06:30:05
Regarding the tricky part of connecting your SQL Server as a data source in the Microsoft 365 Admin Center, it's a bit finicky, isn't it? The format you use for the Server field when adding your Azure...
2024-03-14 21:00:12
I'm going to bang the drum again: This idea is a bad idea. Giving the impression to an application/user that things "worked" when they didn't is not a good idea. In this case you say it's "not a probl...
2024-03-15 00:30:06
I see you have 80 columns to apply this too. I would seriously consider a script component with your translation done in a method. private static int ConvertToInt(string val) { //split...
Tags: sql-server ssis
2024-03-15 08:30:05
Is my thing a regular way of doing these dynamic operations? Yes, this is the recommended way. This type of query is called a Kitchen Sink Query, and your solution is actually a very good one. The i...
Tags: sql sql-server t-sql
2024-03-16 00:30:07
You can use something like: REPLACE(x, 'Page ' + CAST(PageId as varchar(8)) + ' contains', '') LIKE '%Page%contains%' to try to match the odd strings. Note that this will match too much on string con...
Tags: sql sql-server sql-like
2024-03-17 22:00:09
I was confused with what you wanted, so I'll answer to two questions. If your problem is that the empty arrays are going to the route with status 200, you just need to change the if(!scales) to if(sc...
Tags: node.js sql-server express


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