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Questions (27)
2024-03-13 21:00:06
You need an extra type parameter to the component to capture the actual key that is being used: function Tab(list: T[], col: Col): JSX.Element { //... } Playground Link
2024-03-13 21:00:08
Looks like you might not be passing the form data to your api, Should update your request to this: export const uploadFile = async (formData: formData) => { const fd = new FormData(); fd.append("c...
2024-03-13 22:00:07
Looks like you might not be passing the form data to your api, Should update your request to this: export const uploadFile = async (formData: formData) => { const fd = new FormData(); fd.append("c...
2024-03-14 02:00:07
check this playground. i recreated your example and it works fine, but you need to use discriminated union types in your hook implementation. maybe you are not running the latest typescript version? t...
2024-03-14 04:00:13
forkJoin waits for all observables to emit a value or errors and completes. You are using catchError to catch any error from the API, and this is the reason why forkJoin doesn't unsubscribe from the o...
Tags: angular typescript rxjs
2024-03-14 06:30:06
You can use assertion: (results as MyResults[]).map((item) => ( {item.name} {item.age} ));
Tags: Reactjs typescript
2024-03-14 07:00:05
I would add a test id to the with the error in it so you can select it directly. This is probably the easiest approach. If it's not feasible to change the markup, I'd select by the text: const playwr...
2024-03-14 18:30:08
Provide the second argument preserveContent with true. abstract selectRootElement(selectorOrNode: any, preserveContent?: boolean): any Whether the contents of the root element should be preserved, o...
Tags: css angular typescript
2024-03-15 02:30:04
The compiler cannot just see the abstract relationship between the Node and NodeMappings in order to verify that createNode() is properly implemented. If you want to express that relationship in a way...
2024-03-15 04:30:05
Doesn't look pretty, but XOR will help you in this case. type MyType = | { a: number, b?: never } | { b: number, a?: never } | { c: number } | ({ b: number } & { c: number }); Easier to under...
Tags: typescript


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