C# - How to cast list of object into derived collection class object?

2024-03-14 01:30:06
C# - How to cast list of object into derived collection class object

How can i cast them after apply linq to CollectionOfA object:

CollectionOfA obj = GetDataFromService();
obj= obj.OrderBy(x=>x.Name).ToList(); 

Here it gives compiler error cannot convert to implicit type on above line from Generic List to CollectionOfA.

Here is my classes:

public class A{
public int Id {get;set;}
public string Name {get;set;}

public class CollectionOfA: List<A>{


ToList() will not create a CollectionOfA. You could assign a CollectionOfA (i.e., the more derived class) to a List<A> (the less derived class) but not the other way round.

The way to go is to use the Sort method inherited from List<T>

obj.Sort((a, b) => a.Name.CompareTo(b.Name));

This also has the advantage to not allocate a new collection but to do an in-place sort.

Another option is to add a constructor to your collection class by inheriting the corresponding one form List<T>:

public class CollectionOfA : List<A>
    public CollectionOfA()

    public CollectionOfA(IEnumerable<A> collection) : base(collection)

Note that we also must add the default constructor to not break existing code.

We can the use it like this:

obj = new CollectionOfA(obj.OrderBy(x => x.Name).ThenBy(x => x.Id));


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