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2022-12-25 22:59:51
In your first approach, you are only executing regex.Match once, so you are always looking at the very same match until your code throws an Exception. Depending on whether your first match is at index...
Tags: error Solution c#
1206dev Admin
2023-10-28 22:18:37
I think somthing like this:public static object GetObjectByKey(object[] objData, string key){ return objData.FirstOrDefault(obj => obj.GetType().GetProperty("key").GetValue(obj).ToString() == key);...
2024-03-09 23:00:24
It looks like you're using the W3C activity ID format. (See the DefaultIdFormat property for details of that. The W3C format is documented here as traceparent. Importantly: value = version...
2024-03-10 01:00:08
You have two issues: first, you compare to string literal, via structure == "table1_t" (among others). Use strcmp(structure, "table1_t") instead. Do this for other instances where you earlier compared...
Tags: c# csv
2024-03-10 03:00:05
There are two things that are incorrect about your code. Both of them are in this section: for (int i = 0; i < 6; i++) { dx = (int)Math.Round(Math.C...
2024-03-10 05:30:05
The stdio functions use buffered io. Writes to the underlying file descriptor only happen when the buffer becomes full or when the program exits.[1] stdout is also flushed when a LF is encountered if...
Tags: c#
2024-03-10 06:30:05
The exception indicates Model.ItemCategories property is not an IEnumerable. You could use a SelectList: Or, you could change Model.ItemCategories: public class ItemAndItemCategoriesViewModel...
2024-03-10 15:00:04
The standard C doesn't allow to put function definition inside function definition (nesting function definition). In this case, no local variables of the function main is referenced from the function...
Tags: c# function gcc
2024-03-10 17:00:05
[..h] is a collection expression, basically a concise syntax to create collections, arrays, and spans. The things inside the [ and ] are the collection's elements, e.g. List x = [1,2,3]; // basically:...
Tags: c# range operator-keyword
2024-03-10 18:30:05
scanf returns EOF int main(){ char c; int result; while(1){ result = scanf("%c", &c); if(result == EOF) break; else{ c = toupper(c); printf(...
Tags: c#


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