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Questions (6)
2024-03-10 06:30:05
The exception indicates Model.ItemCategories property is not an IEnumerable. You could use a SelectList: Or, you could change Model.ItemCategories: public class ItemAndItemCategoriesViewModel...
2024-03-10 22:00:05
Simply wrap a conditional around the code that overrides the images, checking whether the first image was set. If so, do the overriding. Ignore it if not. // POST: Admin/Products/Edit/5 // To protect...
2024-03-12 09:00:06
Clock on the razor page in Blazor 8 . But nothing changed. How can I make it work automatically? Well, based on your description and shared code snippet it seems that you are trying to make a clock...
Tags: c# asp.net-core blazor
2024-03-12 14:00:06
Docker Compose Profiles are used to address this. Using an example from the linked documentation, you assign your debug container to a specific profile: compose.yaml services: backend: image: ba...
2024-03-13 23:00:09
You should remove the .NET framework development options from the Visual Studio installer directly. This implies maybe removing some other options that depend on it, e.g. ASP.NET ("classic", non-core)...
2024-03-15 17:00:12
To further explain what Yehor said in comments: Cross-Origin Resource Sharing is a security feature in web browsers whose purpose is to help restrict scripts on one origin (domain) to make requests to...


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