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Questions (4)
2024-03-10 18:30:06
What you are looking for in this case is CSS. Blazor is mainly a programing framework running on web assambly that mostly replaces javascript (javascript interop is still needed for some functions). Y...
Tags: c# razor blazor
2024-03-12 09:00:06
Clock on the razor page in Blazor 8 . But nothing changed. How can I make it work automatically? Well, based on your description and shared code snippet it seems that you are trying to make a clock...
Tags: c# asp.net-core blazor
2024-03-14 01:00:04
To differentiate between the two GET endpoints on the same controller, you need to add routing to each endpoint. For the first endpoint [Route("category/{category}")] and for the second endpoint [Rou...
Tags: c# .net blazor
2024-03-15 02:00:05
You have to use T="Color?" instead of T="Color": @using Try.UserComponents Red Blue Light Blue @code { private IEnumerable SelectedColors { get; set; } = new HashSet(); } https://...
Tags: blazor mudblazor


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