C# - How to write batch files correctly for publication Adding different precompiled macros during .NET programming?

2024-03-14 16:00:07
C# - How to write batch files correctly for publication Adding different precompiled macros during .NET programming?

I have the following code:

#if PC
    var rootPath = Path.Combine("dist");
    var rootPath = Path.Combine(@"/bin/bash");

I want to write different batch files when publishing the program to decide whether to add the macro "PC" or not.

But I didn't find the answer under the dotnet publish command.


  1. Add a configuration (Pc) in your .csproj file, and add the PC symbol:

    <PropertyGroup Condition="'$(Configuration)|$(Platform)'=='Pc|AnyCPU'">

    Use -c option to pick this configuration:

    dotnet publish -c:Pc
  2. Use msbuild's -getProperty and -p options to define the symbols:

    SET cmdGetProp='dotnet msbuild -getProperty:DefineConstants'
    FOR /F "tokens=*" %%s IN (%cmdGetProp%) DO SET prop=%%s
    dotnet publish -p:DefineConstants=\"%prop%;PC\"


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