Sql - Can I use INSERT statement with select to make a condition?

2024-03-13 14:00:04
Sql - Can I use INSERT statement with select to make a condition?

I want to create an insert but I want to check if the last insert of a table is null. When its null I dont want to insert it.

I have a table named users_ill.

id | user_id | health_at | created_at

Here is my insert statement:

INSERT INTO users_ill (user_id) VALUES ($1);', [user_id]);

But now I want to check also if the health_at is null or not. How can I check this with insert ?

I can also write another query but I think this would be not necessarry when its work with insert and select together.


Assuming that the most recent record would be the one with the greatest created_at value, you could use an INSERT INTO ... SELECT as follows:

INSERT INTO users_ill (user_id)
    SELECT 1
    FROM (
        SELECT health_at
        FROM users_ill
        ORDER BY created_at DESC
        LIMIT 1
    ) t
    WHERE health_at IS NULL

The inner LIMIT subquery finds the most recent record in the users_ill table. The exists logic then asserts that the health_at value from that most recent record is not null. The insert then would only proceed under the conditions you expect.



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