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Questions (28)
2024-03-09 23:00:30
The problem is the form element in the template: Attribute enctype="multipart/form-data" sends the form as multipart form data type, the usual type used when for uploading files, but you don't have...
Tags: node.js mongodb forms
2024-03-10 03:30:04
You aren't sending an object with a dados property to your microservice from the gateway controller. The object's properties are idUsuario, idUsuarioPropio, idPergunta, and data. It looks like you are...
Tags: node.js docker rabbitmq
2024-03-10 15:00:05
You need to accept connections from because references the container and not the host. So, for example, supposing that your project looks like this (very simplified!): ├── Dockerfile...
Tags: node.js docker dockerfile
2024-03-11 01:30:06
postgres is on the postgres-db-network but node_app is not. so they're not networked together. So they can't talk. Thus, docker does not expose their container names to each other as resolvable host...
Tags: node.js postgresql docker
2024-03-11 04:30:05
Assuming the path to the parent directory (ie the one containing one.json, two.json and folder1 and folder2) is /path/to/parent. Furthermore I assume you are familiar with the promises api of the node...
Tags: node.js
2024-03-11 09:00:09
While I believe wrapping your existing work in transactions should be the option that involves minimal change, you can opt for leveraging the aggregation pipeline for all the work. $match to check fo...
Tags: node.js mongodb
2024-03-11 13:30:04
Your problem is not the IV (which is the 3rd argument to your decrypt function) but -- as the error message says -- the 3rd argument to SubtleCrypto.decrypt which should be the ciphertext but is inste...
2024-03-11 23:30:06
Ensure that the my-app-credentials.json is in the same directory as your Cloud Functions source file(s), or under that directory. If it isn't, it won't be deployed and thus won't be present when the f...
2024-03-12 05:00:07
No. The version you're seeing for FirestoreAdminClient (from the node module "@google-cloud/firestore") has nothing to do with the version of Cloud Functions (from the node module "firebase-functions...
2024-03-12 07:30:03
I'm not entirely sure why you expect this system to work, but you seem to be missing one important detail: The Firebase Admin SDK can only verify user tokens for user accounts created by Firebase Auth...


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