Swift - Generically initialize instance of a class that conforms to protocol?

2024-03-14 04:00:11
How to Swift - Generically initialize instance of a class that conforms to protocol


protocol MyProtocol {
   var value: Int { get set }

class Foo: MyProtocol {
   var value: Int

class Bar: MyProtocol {
   var value: Int


function generate(value: _) that infers the protocol-conforming class for instantiation:

let foo: Foo = generate(value: 1)
let bar: Bar = generate(value: 2)


The code doesn't compile because the init methods in the classes are missing

Add an init requirement to the protocol

protocol MyProtocol {
    var value: Int { get set }
    init(value: Int)

and this init method in both classes

required init(value: Int) {
    self.value = value

Now you can create a generic generate method

func generate<T: MyProtocol>(value: Int) -> T {
    T(value: value)


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