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Questions (15)
2024-03-14 11:00:06
These build-with-just-one-tool conceits might make fun puzzles, but the fact is Git's one tool in a very capable toolbox. git log --pretty= --name-status | awk -F$'\t' '!seen[$2]++ && $1=="A"' will f...
Tags: bash git git-filter-repo
2024-03-15 13:00:07
You can simply do this by adding a bash script, and calling it in your package.json. Step 1: create a bash script generate-controller-model-route.sh in the route folder #!/bin/bash file_name=$1 if [...
Tags: Javascript node.js bash
2024-03-15 22:30:06
You may consider this solution that would with any version of awk: printf '%s\n' "${arr[@]}" | awk -F, ' { for(i=1; i
Tags: arrays bash awk
2024-03-17 04:30:04
you can use the printf function using the parameter "%c" that treats the input as a single character. Easy solution: Pipe the output to the inverse function. echo "hello" | od -An -td1 -v -w1 | awk '{...
Tags: linux bash printf
2024-03-17 22:30:04
Refer to the bash manual description of here strings: 3.6.7 Here Strings A variant of here documents, the format is: [n]
Tags: linux bash


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