What is Linux?

Linux is an open source operating system (OS). An operating system is the software that directly manages a system’s hardware and resources, like CPU, memory, and storage. The OS sits between applications and hardware and makes the connections between all of your software and the physical resources that do the work.
Posts (1)
Questions (6)
2024-03-11 21:00:07
I will add my effort here just for reference: #!/bin/bash certfile='chain.txt' privfile='private.txt' awk -v file="1" -v occur="1" ' { print > (file".txt") } /^-----END CERTIFICATE-----$/{ co...
Tags: linux bash
2024-03-12 16:30:06
Use the -T option ln -sT bar foo which means "treat LINK_NAME as a normal file always" instead of a target destination directory.
Tags: linux bash command
2024-03-12 23:00:12
Preliminary: All of the following assumes that the data are presented one item per line, without embedded newlines, and that all characters between newlines are significant. I'm trying to use command...
Tags: linux bash awk
2024-03-15 09:00:07
You need to check, if you disabled the facts in your playbook, as you could see below, this basic code works without issues: - hosts: localhost connection: local tasks: - debug: var: ansib...
Tags: linux ansible
2024-03-17 04:30:04
you can use the printf function using the parameter "%c" that treats the input as a single character. Easy solution: Pipe the output to the inverse function. echo "hello" | od -An -td1 -v -w1 | awk '{...
Tags: linux bash printf
2024-03-17 22:30:04
Refer to the bash manual description of here strings: 3.6.7 Here Strings A variant of here documents, the format is: [n]
Tags: linux bash


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