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2024-03-10 00:00:09
slide_view requires forward_range since the elements need to be traversed more than once. This is not the case for join_view in your case, because the latter joins a nested range whose elements are pr...
Tags: c++ c++20 std-ranges
2024-03-12 00:30:07
I'd recommend changing the approach slightly, instead of having transform modify its argument, it should return a value that will replace in input. So you can have a set of overloads like this: std::s...
2024-03-16 09:30:05
Maybe something like this can std::string clause = fmt::format("param=@p{}", fmt::join(ids, " OR param=@p"));
Tags: c++ c++20 fmt
2024-03-16 16:30:06
The libc++ documentation has a webpage about C++20 status of libc++. Quoting the relevant footnote 8: P0660: The paper is implemented but the features are experimental and can be enabled via -fexperi...
Tags: c++ clang llvm


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