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Questions (17)
2022-09-07 17:43:12
Run command:sudo systemctl start mariadbsudo service httpd start
Tags: PHP error MySQL
2022-12-03 00:46:54
You can run command:docker cp {file.sql} {id image}:/{file.sql}open mysql cli and run this command:mysql -u{your_username} -p{your_password} {your_database_name} < {file.sql}
Tags: MySQL docker database
2022-12-03 00:56:30
2024-03-09 23:00:26
It's a MyISAM table, I don't know if that matters here... It definitely does. The feature of the primary key appended to the secondary key is specific to InnoDB's implementation. https://dev.mysql.c...
2024-03-10 07:30:06
SELECT * FROM ( SELECT 'name' col, name, count(*) c FROM mytable WHERE gender = 'male' group by name union all SELECT 'gender', gender, count(*) c FROM mytable WHERE gender = 'male' group by gen...
Tags: MySQL
2024-03-11 06:30:03
JSON_CONTAINS_PATH would do the trick, e.g. select * from `units` where json_contains_path(`prefixes`, 'one', '$."abc"') limit 1
Tags: PHP MySQL Laravel
2024-03-12 05:30:05
Add the following param in your datasource string: allowPublicKeyRetrieval=true Like this: dataSource.url=jdbc:mariadb://mysql/rundeck?autoReconnect=true&useSSL=false&allowPublicKeyRetrieval=true Addi...
Tags: MySQL rundeck
2024-03-12 11:00:05
The problem is you have the same code in the create comment function. public function CreateComment( Request $request) { // create a function that inserts data to data base ( create a...
Tags: PHP MySQL Laravel
2024-03-12 23:30:08
Don't use SUBSTRING_INDEX() for this, since it can't distinguish the - delimiter from the one being used to indicate negative numbers. After you extract the substring after the last /, convert it to a...
Tags: MySQL
2024-03-13 04:00:05
First you must add a Controller to you API or create an endpoint like this: // here is only the endpoint [HttpGet] [Route("dbcheck")] public IActionResult DbConnect() { return Ok(); } Then add a...
Tags: MySQL asp.net docker


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