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2024-03-14 13:00:11
A good reference for this would be to review how the standard library is implemented. It's doubtful you're going to find a "better" way to do things than they do. I you consider set.mli and set.ml you...
Tags: Interface ocaml signature
2024-03-15 04:00:12
As a specification, the function type 'a -> t is stating that the function accepts arguments of any type 'a and returns a t. The only values of this type are functions that ignore the first argument a...
Tags: types ocaml signature
2024-03-16 02:00:05
A pattern like pat1 | pat2 matches either of the two patterns: let rec swag y = match y with | A _ -> 1 | B _ -> 2 | C (left,right) | D (left,right) -> (swag left) + (swag right) Naturally the two p...


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