What is OOP?

Object-oriented programming (OOP) is a fundamental programming paradigm used by nearly every developer at some point in their career. OOP is the most popular programming paradigm and is taught as the standard way to code for most of a programmers educational career.
Object Oriented programming (OOP) is a programming paradigm that relies on the concept of classes and objects. It is used to structure a software program into simple, reusable pieces of code blueprints (usually called classes), which are used to create individual instances of objects. There are many object-oriented programming languages including JavaScript, C++, Java, and Python.
Posts (4)
Questions (2)
2024-03-12 20:00:09
Software design rarely works in a way where there's universally correct ways to design things. Thus, asking what's the correct way? can rarely be answered unless you provide more context. What are you...
Tags: java OOP design-patterns
2024-03-14 04:30:05
A singleton does not have to be immutable: all that the singleton pattern asserts is that there only exists one of this object type within the whole application. Other objects that want to access an i...
Tags: java OOP serialization


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