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Questions (5)
2024-03-12 16:00:05
The only possible reason is that the query is not successfully refreshing and loading into Power BI so you're still seeing the old data and column names.
2024-03-12 16:00:08
Measure = DIVIDE(SUM('Table'[Claim Amount]), DISTINCTCOUNT('Table'[Employee]))
Tags: powerbi dax data-analysis
2024-03-12 16:00:09
Try using divide function instead: Sales growth = ROUND([2024]-[2023],0)/ROUND([2023],0)
Tags: powerbi dax data-analysis
2024-03-12 16:00:11
Try this: Table.Combine(Expression.Evaluate(cnsList, #shared))
Tags: excel powerbi powerquery
2024-03-15 10:00:08
You did not specify what you wanted returned in the third column if the second column contained neither Agree nor Disagree. I returned a null, but you can easily change that. The algorithm consistis...


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