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Questions (189)
2024-03-09 23:00:18
Label is a widget that implements a display box where you can place text or images. The text displayed by this widget can be updated at any time you want. So this line: Label(new_window,text='hi').pac...
Tags: python pyautogui
2024-03-09 23:00:21
You're probably better off subclassing discord.ui.Button and adding it to a view like so- import discord class CraftButton(discord.ui.Button): def __init__(self, label:str, emoji:str, disabled:bo...
Tags: python Class discord.py
2024-03-09 23:00:22
It seems that the HTML page already contains the same Json data that the graphql endpoint sends, so you can just get it from there: import json import re import requests def get_data(page_no):...
2024-03-09 23:30:05
The problem in your code lies in the order of the patterns you define in the pairs list. NLTK's Chat module processes patterns in order, and stops at the first pattern that matches the user's input....
Tags: python nltk
2024-03-09 23:30:06
Based on the code provided, there appears to be a configuration error with the session type in the config.py file. You specified SESSION_TYPE= 'memcached', but the server actually used is Parse, whic...
Tags: python flask flask-session
2024-03-09 23:30:08
You can provide a new __call__ method for the type that computes a and b from x and passes them to the default __call__ method. class Meta(type): def __new__(cls, name, bases, attrs): # Ge...
Tags: python python-3.x
2024-03-10 00:00:06
here is one line of code using Pandas to add up the values ​​in the "score" column before the date 2020-02-19: total_score_before_corona = df[df['date'] < '2020-02-19']['score'].sum()
Tags: python pandas
2024-03-10 00:30:07
Python's dict is already insertion ordered (on old versions, use collections.OrderedDict) similar to a time-sorted heap. This means the oldest inserted item is always at the front. Instead of updating...
2024-03-10 01:30:05
What about this? def get_parsers() -> dict[str, type[ASectionParser] | type[BSectionParser]]: return { "a": ASectionParser, "b": BSectionParser, } or... def get_parsers() -> d...
Tags: python python-3.x mypy
2024-03-10 01:30:07
Using this script, I get an uncorrupted image shown: import io from pathlib import Path import yaml from PIL import Image packets = yaml.safe_load(Path("5bksih1B.txt").read_text()) raw = b"".join([...


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