What is Session?

Session is the total time devoted to an activity. In computer systems, a user session begins when a user logs in to or accesses a particular computer, network, or software service. It ends when the user logs out of the service, or shuts down the computer. A session can temporarily store information related to the activities of the user while connected. A session cookie is used in web pages for storing information in case the user leaves the web page or closes down their Internet browser. For example, this is one way a website can remember what is in your shopping cart if you leave and come back.
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2022-05-30 17:04:18
You can't set Cookies for other domain as you are on.maybe you can try something like this:User try to loginAPI request from A to B to get a Key ( remembered in Database Site B )Redirect User with thi...
Tags: PHP Coding Lập trình
2024-03-12 14:00:09
The answer is : the session variables lifetime's end-time will be "re-calculated" when the start_session() is called again. It is because the garbage collection process is designed to abandon "inactiv...
Tags: PHP session


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