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2024-03-11 23:30:07
It works normally for the textInput For the selectizeInput, you have to use the onBlur option: selectizeInput( "si", label="letters", choices = letters, options = list( onBlur = I('fun...
Tags: Javascript r shiny
2024-03-13 05:00:12
Here is a way: library(shiny) library(dygraphs) library(quantmod) # just for illustration purpose, the symbols may vary and the number of select values may vary. The point is, that the input to the...
2024-03-13 22:00:08
The first issue is that by adding the text aes you change the grouping, i.e. to fix that explicitly map or set the group aes using group = GroupBy. The second issue is due to a change in ggplot2 which...
Tags: r ggplot2 shiny


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