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2024-03-13 16:00:06
Here is one approach, which uses a LAG() trick to detect when a new block of NULL missing values starts and ends, to be filled in with the non NULL value from that group. WITH cte1 AS ( SELECT t.*...
2024-03-14 00:00:08
The order of columns would not change, the CTE "inherits" the metadata for the ordinal position. Think of a CTE in this case as a regular view, views have their ordinal positions too.
2024-03-14 10:00:07
with this data AND sql you only get one row. So if we see the the SQL without the GROUP BY: with table_1(j) as ( select parse_json('{ "col1": 5905, "col2": "4540", "col3": "23", "obj1"...
2024-03-14 13:00:06
Same reason why this works: select (select 1) where 1 > (select 0) limit 1; And this doesn't: select 1 where 1 > 0 limit (select 1); This because some things in SQL can't be variables, but need to b...
2024-03-15 03:30:08
Yes it is possible, Snowflake has MONTHNAME function returns 3 letter Month names. You can set a variable at the beginning of the stored proc and use in the table name set dt = to_date('2024-04-01');...


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