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Questions (5)
2024-03-10 19:30:05
1 US cup = 1/4 quart but 1 US cup = 0.98578432 US legal cup and 4 * a legal cup is 3,94313728 so it looks like what Measurement uses for UnitVolume.cups is a US Legal Cup
Tags: swift xcode
2024-03-13 19:00:11
Do you try to get your UITest's target bundle? For example: func getEmail() -> String? { let bundle = Bundle(for: type(of: self)) let email = bundle.object(forInfoDictionaryKey: "EMAIL") as?...
2024-03-15 22:30:09
You need to install Java 11 and set it as the version run for the Gradle build. I would just set it to the global default, or possibly version 17. Check out https://sdkman.io/ to manage multiple Java...
Tags: swift xcode kotlin
2024-03-16 04:00:06
The Signing Certificate represents the developer. It says "Code signed with this certificate was developed by this person or company". For a developer certificate that's usually a person. For a dist...
Tags: ios xcode xcodebuild
2024-03-16 16:30:05
Edit the react-native/ReactCommon/yoga/yoga/Yoga.cpp file to fix the issue with the incorrect operator used. Replace the bitwise '|' operator with the logical '||' operator. Yoga.cpp issue with Xcod...
Tags: ios swift xcode


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