What is Android?

Android is a mobile operating system based on a modified version of the Linux kernel and other open source software, designed primarily for touchscreen mobile devices such as smartphones and tablets. Android is developed by a consortium of developers known as the Open Handset Alliance and commercially sponsored by Google. It was unveiled in November 2007, with the first commercial Android device, the HTC Dream, being launched in September 2008.
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Questions (21)
2022-05-31 08:32:45
.AAB refers to "Android App Bundle", select Android App Bundle instead of APK after you clicked Generated Signed Bundle / APK, the rest of the procedure is more or less the same. You may refer to the ...
2024-03-10 02:00:09
The problem does not come from the mutex, but from the fact that you call remove in a for each loop. The list is modified while being browsed, which it does not support. To make your remove function w...
Tags: android kotlin mutex
2024-03-10 18:00:05
You should try to use LauncherActivity instead of MainActivity. The package name of the LauncherActivity is also a little bit different. To sum up, the following command will start Instagram app from...
Tags: android adb
2024-03-10 23:30:04
I don't know the xamarin's functionality you're referring to but in Android Studio you can use the live edit functionality that allows you to see immediately the changes in the android device (emulato...
Tags: java android
2024-03-11 17:00:06
TL;DR; I really suggest you rethink your notification strategy. Do you really need to post that many notifications? Maybe, but for now, my answer is "not really". If you make so much noise, no matter...
2024-03-11 20:30:05
You could perform the filtering inside the combine's transform which will be called on updates to the local data source. val uiState = combine( remoteFlow, localFlow, ) { remote, local ->...
2024-03-12 02:30:04
I mostly create extension for this. extension EitherExt on Either { ///! use only after checking the type get asLeft => (this as Left).value; get asRight => (this as Right).value; } And you can...
Tags: android Flutter dart
2024-03-12 03:00:04
The binding source of SelectedItem must have the same type as the type that is used in the ItemsSource, in your case that's Patio, while you're trying to use a string for it, which isn't possible. Cha...
Tags: c# android mvvm
2024-03-13 20:30:07
According guide section Add classpath buildscript { repositories { mavenCentral() } dependencies { classpath(libs.androidx.navigation.safe.args.gradle.plugin) } }...
2024-03-13 20:30:08
In Jetpack Compose, you should not store any state outside of Composables or ViewModels. So the way you defined your object DataSource is not a good practice. You should instead store your list in a C...
Tags: android list kotlin


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