What is Android?

Android is a mobile operating system based on a modified version of the Linux kernel and other open source software, designed primarily for touchscreen mobile devices such as smartphones and tablets. Android is developed by a consortium of developers known as the Open Handset Alliance and commercially sponsored by Google. It was unveiled in November 2007, with the first commercial Android device, the HTC Dream, being launched in September 2008.
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Questions (21)
2024-03-14 00:00:06
There is no word of changes needed into app. That's because there are no changes required. If you read the linked documentation thoroughly, and its linked materials, you'll find that the changes are...
2024-03-14 03:30:06
There seem top be multiple issues , I seperated your code into parts SPINNER package com.example.spinner import androidx.appcompat.app.AppCompatActivity import android.os.Bundle import android.view.V...
2024-03-14 14:00:04
Just use is to check the type when(result) { is Approved -> //code is NotApproved ->//code }
Tags: android kotlin
2024-03-14 20:00:04
You can try this new version. may be it's useful for you. PopScope( canPop: false, onPopInvoked: (bool didPop) { if (didPop) { return; }...
Tags: android Flutter dart
2024-03-15 00:00:06
Wrap it with widgets like Flexible or Expanded if you put GridView inside Column or Row. If it is not then please share full widget tree, which covers this GridView
Tags: android Flutter
2024-03-15 15:00:11
first of all the link of picture you put in doesn't show any thing and then the UI doesn't seem to reflect the updated heart rate value. you need to observe changes in the mutableHeartRate variable an...
2024-03-15 16:30:05
Doing UI operations in IO thread is not correct. You should do such operations in Main thread using some code like this: withContext(Dispatchers.Main) { val hartaEditable: Editable = Editable....
Tags: android database kotlin
2024-03-15 19:30:04
you can modify the onClickLogin function in your LoginViewModel. You will need to access the current state, modify only the login field, and keep the password field unchanged private fun onClickLogin(...
2024-03-15 23:00:09
The base theme for new .NET MAUI applications on Android is "Maui.MainTheme". Update your styles.xml to look like this (I don't know if you still want/need the windowIsTranslucent entry):...
Tags: android maui styling
2024-03-16 23:00:14
You said: I only found information about how to retrieve data when the data changes, I just need to retrieve it when a button is pressed. From the Firebase documentation on listening for events (emp...
Tags: android firebase xamarin


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