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Questions (4)
2024-03-12 03:00:04
The binding source of SelectedItem must have the same type as the type that is used in the ItemsSource, in your case that's Patio, while you're trying to use a string for it, which isn't possible. Cha...
Tags: c# android mvvm
2024-03-14 01:30:05
In trying to reproduce your issue, I didn't see anything really major, except that registering a route in a button handler seems like an unconventional approach. It seemed to work fine if I moved it t...
Tags: c# maui
2024-03-14 11:00:05
GetImageStream has an argument that specifies the background color GetImageStream(IEnumerable lines, Size imageSize, Brush? background, CancellationToken token = default) =>
Tags: c# maui
2024-03-15 23:00:09
The base theme for new .NET MAUI applications on Android is "Maui.MainTheme". Update your styles.xml to look like this (I don't know if you still want/need the windowIsTranslucent entry):...
Tags: android maui styling


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