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Questions (21)
2024-03-10 20:30:03
CounterService._internal(); Is a private named constructor that creates an object and can be called only within the class (privacy). factory CounterService.instance() => _instance; Is a public named...
Tags: Flutter dart service
2024-03-12 02:30:04
I mostly create extension for this. extension EitherExt on Either { ///! use only after checking the type get asLeft => (this as Left).value; get asRight => (this as Right).value; } And you can...
Tags: android Flutter dart
2024-03-12 08:30:06
Instead of Future clientId= firestoreService.saveNewClient(toMap(newClient); Await the future use this to get the unboxed future: String? clientId = await firestoreService.saveNewClient(toM...
Tags: Flutter dart
2024-03-12 14:30:05
I think you have mistakenly written Double instead of double change this line of code cart.addItem(product.id, product.price as Double, product.title); to this cart.addItem(product.id, product.price...
Tags: Flutter dart
2024-03-12 19:00:06
I don't see why you would need a stream at all. a simple onDoubleTap: () => setState(() => board[row][col].currentHealth -= 1), might be all you need
Tags: Flutter dart
2024-03-12 21:00:09
Try wrapping the Container in Scaffold. @override Widget build(BuildContext context) { return Scaffold( body: Container( child: Center( child: Column( mainAxisAlignme...
Tags: Flutter dart
2024-03-13 17:30:10
you should use SafeArea like this: @override Widget build(BuildContext context) { return Scaffold( body: SafeArea( Column( children: [ Container( height: 50...
Tags: Flutter dart
2024-03-13 18:30:10
I think you are looking for ClipRRect which has borderRadius property.
Tags: Flutter dart
2024-03-14 15:00:09
To solve this the easy ways is to delete the android folder in your project and run flutter create . command in project directory and add any you have previously done in the android folder like permis...
Tags: Flutter dart gradle
2024-03-14 15:30:04
First of all, you need to learn what the null safety is. If you create some variables with ?, that is nullable variable, so that variable can receive null. For example, if you create variable like thi...
Tags: Flutter dart


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