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2024-03-10 00:30:07
Python's dict is already insertion ordered (on old versions, use collections.OrderedDict) similar to a time-sorted heap. This means the oldest inserted item is always at the front. Instead of updating...
2024-03-11 02:00:04
What I did was to keep track of any uppercase letters that was before their lowercase counterpart in a special collection so I could check this as part of each characters validation. My solution func...
2024-03-13 12:30:04
You can pre-sort heartbeats. And search for left and right range borders with BinarySearch. var heartbeatsArray = heartbeats.ToArray(); var heartbeatsTime = heartbeats.Select(hb => hb.EventDateUtc).To...
Tags: c# data-structures
2024-03-16 03:30:06
Question 1: I'm wondering if my time complexities are written correctly. Thoughts ? In the tree representation, nothing prevents you from storing pointers to the min and max elements, so it can be O...
2024-03-16 13:30:04
Hash functions used for hash tables are typically much, much simpler than sha256 or keckak256. For strings, for example, Java uses a simple 32-bit polynomial hash. The calculation is documented her...


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