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Questions (33)
2024-03-13 00:00:07
Assuming rule_df the rules DataFrame and df the data one: # first ensure the correct column names are used # and that dates are in a YYYY-MM-DD format tmp = (df.rename(columns={'Height(in)': 'Height'}...
Tags: pandas dataframe dynamic
2024-03-13 03:30:05
Try: df['max_range'] = df['A'].rolling(4).max() Output: A max_range 0 10 NaN 1 12 NaN 2 14 NaN 3 8 14.0 4 9 14.0 5 10 14.0 6...
2024-03-13 04:30:04
IIUC, explode, merge, and concat: out = (pd.concat([ df, legend .explode('word_lists') .rename(columns={'word_lists': 'word'}) .merge(df[['object', 'personID']].d...
Tags: python pandas dataframe
2024-03-13 09:30:05
Try: df = ( df.set_index("Store") .stack() .rename("Sales") .rename_axis(["Store", "Qrt"]) .reset_index() ) print(df) Prints: Store Qrt Sales 0 Store 1 FQ2 2022...
Tags: python dataframe transpose
2024-03-13 17:00:04
You have to create a Series with the correct index: m = df['B']==4 df.loc[m, 'A'] = pd.Series([np.array([5, 6, 7, 8]), np.array([2, 3])], index=df.index[m]) Note that in a...
Tags: python arrays pandas
2024-03-13 21:30:05
IIUC, you can create a dictionary of indices that are referenced by other indices. Then loop over the -1 indices in reverse and index the relevant rows to pass to f: s = df['pred'].explode() dic = s.i...
Tags: python pandas dataframe
2024-03-14 00:30:08
First check whether the elements you want to select are contained in response / soup; the ones you are addressing do not appear to be present. So as mentioned by @John Gordon your selection is not fin...
Tags: python pandas dataframe
2024-03-14 07:00:04
If I understand you correctly, you can use pd.Series.isin for the task (for creating the boolean mask): print( df[ df["policy number"].isin( df_2.loc[df_2["policy status"] == "...
Tags: python pandas dataframe
2024-03-14 13:30:04
Try This, df = pd.read_excel(response.content, header=None) df = df.dropna(how="all").dropna(how="all", axis=1) df = df.reset_index().drop('index', axis=1) headers = df.iloc[0] new_df = pd.DataFrame(d...
Tags: python pandas dataframe


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