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Questions (33)
2024-03-14 19:00:09
After pivot, the values don't have an index name, you have to assign it: (df.pivot(columns={'multi-1', 'multi-3'}, values=['multi-2']) .rename_axis(columns={None: 'multi-2'}) .reorder_levels(['m...
Tags: python pandas dataframe
2024-03-15 00:00:07
We can use pivot.wider library(dplyr) library(tidyr) df %>% group_by(record) %>% mutate(id = 1:n(), x = coalesce(x, 0)) %>% pivot_wider(names_from = id, values_from = x, values_fill...
Tags: r dataframe
2024-03-15 07:00:05
You can do: print(column_and_row_of_interest.squeeze()) OR: print(column_and_row_of_interest.iat[0]) This prints: 200.0
Tags: python pandas dataframe
2024-03-15 07:00:06
While the solution using the walrus operator works. It is probably more idiomatic and cleaner to use an pl.when().then() construct in conjunction with pl.int_range() to create the event_id. ( df...
Tags: python pandas dataframe
2024-03-15 23:00:07
In base R you could do something like: combo setNames(c("target", "source")) |> transform(count = sapply(asplit(combo, 2), \(x) sum(rowMeans(emot[,x]) == 1L))) Basically, get all the combination...
Tags: r dataframe count
2024-03-16 00:00:08
I don't think you need to do this in Pandas. You can create a class that tracks the current section and bumps it by 1, or appends a subsection, or truncates and increments, based on the paragraph typ...
Tags: python python-3.x pandas
2024-03-16 01:30:05
cbind(df, C = sapply(strsplit(df$ColB, ';'), \(x)paste(do.call(rep, unname(read.table(text=x, sep=':'))), collapse = ';'))) ColA ColB C...
Tags: r dataframe text
2024-03-16 02:00:07
It seems that you are looking for binning. Try cut_interval - it will create several groups (bins) of your values, then look at levels. library(ggplot2) table
Tags: r dataframe counting
2024-03-16 15:30:04
copy=False means that the underlying data (numpy) is shared. If we modify one item of the underlying numpy array, it is reflected since the data is shared: df = pd.DataFrame({'a': [1,2,3], 'b': [4,5,6...
Tags: python pandas dataframe
2024-03-16 17:00:04
As @s_baldur states in his comment, you need double [[ to extract an item's list as a vector. [ merely subsets the original list, i.e., it returns a list: > my_list my_list[1] $X [1] "A" "B" > class...
Tags: r dataframe rstudio


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