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2024-03-09 23:00:27
To install Smarty in your Docker container running Apache, you can follow these steps: Update your Docker Compose file to include a new service for installing Smarty. You can use a separate service fo...
2024-03-11 01:30:06
postgres is on the postgres-db-network but node_app is not. so they're not networked together. So they can't talk. Thus, docker does not expose their container names to each other as resolvable host...
Tags: node.js postgresql docker
2024-03-13 04:00:05
First you must add a Controller to you API or create an endpoint like this: // here is only the endpoint [HttpGet] [Route("dbcheck")] public IActionResult DbConnect() { return Ok(); } Then add a...
Tags: MySQL asp.net docker


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