What is Error?

An 'error' is a deviation from accuracy or correctness. A 'mistake' is an error caused by a fault: the fault being misjudgment, carelessness, or forgetfulness. Now, say that I run a stop sign because I was in a hurry, and wasn't concentrating, and the police stop me, that is a mistake. If, however, I try to park in an area with conflicting signs, and I get a ticket because I was incorrect on my interpretation of what the signs meant, that would be an error. The first time it would be an error. The second time it would be a mistake since I should have known better.
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2022-05-29 15:59:06
this selectors means when the parent itself is the first child or the last child, in this case, it is both :D this is why it's blue, what you want to do is:const Text = styled.div` color: green;...
Tags: Coding Lập trình React
2022-05-29 15:55:32
The font-size in your VS code is looking white because your VS code theme is different.transition property doesn't work if you are running it on mozilla firefox or any other browser except chrome. In...
Tags: Coding Lập trình css
2022-05-29 15:48:51
You can leave () out if you put everything in one line: {mylist.map((elem, index) => {elem.title})} If you want to return something, but it take several lines, then you have to use ():{mylist.map((el...
Tags: Coding Lập trình React
2022-05-29 15:40:47
It looks like your client receives some invalid XML - either the WSDL itself or the response returned by the server. Try to invoke the client with the trace option set to TRUE and check the actual XML...
Tags: PHP Coding Lập trình
2022-05-30 17:20:57
From what I have understood, what you are looking for is:def clean(headers): for k, v in headers.items: k = re.sub(r"\s+", " ", k.strip()) yield f"{k.lower()}\t{v}" canonical...
Tags: Coding Lập trình error
2022-05-30 17:26:11
You can simply use .length method to iterate properly through the result.for(var i = 0; i < map["items"].length; i++){...} Or to get rid of code duplication, use a .forEach()map["items"].forEach((ite...
Tags: Coding Lập trình error
2022-05-31 18:05:40
I found a solution! I can't explain why it works, but it fix the error.I had previously tried this with a git submodule update between step 3 and step 5, and that didn't seem to work. However:git subm...
Tags: Coding Lập trình git
2022-09-07 17:43:12
Run command:sudo systemctl start mariadbsudo service httpd start
Tags: PHP error MySQL
2022-12-11 20:32:32
The + is a special char which will be escaped by parse_str(). You need to parse the query string by yourself.Note: If there are multiple values you need to split by & first.Callinghttp://localhost:400...
Tags: PHP Coding error
2022-12-25 22:56:37
Besides the typo, the issue is that your getStyles function returns a general object, whereas MUI styled expects a CSSObject (or, to be more accurate, in your case, a function that returns said CSSObj...
Tags: Coding error MUI


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