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2024-03-10 19:00:08
This problem is happening because the GeometryReader is inside a ScrollView, which stops it from being as greedy as usual. Consequently, the height of the GeometryReader is very small. Since you know...
Tags: ios swiftui vstack
2024-03-13 01:30:06
You should not use tag for identifying views. tag is very hard to read. The view trait key for it is an internal type, so you'd need to use Mirror. You can use the environment instead. Create an envir...
Tags: ios swiftui viewmodifier
2024-03-13 10:00:05
The overlay modifier takes an alignment argument which defaults to .center. Try passing .topLeading instead of using .offset: Button { } label: { Image(systemName: "\(item).circle.fill")...
Tags: ios swiftui overlay
2024-03-13 18:30:04
Hi You can use the below mentioned code for achieving the result : @IBDesignable class PageProgressView: UIView { @IBInspectable var statusLines: Int = 1 { didSet { setupS...
Tags: ios swift
2024-03-14 01:00:07
I recently came across a scenario like this, and Apple's documentation is perhaps not as clear as it could be. Ultimately, the "hack" here is that you should be able to connect the output of your samp...
2024-03-15 18:00:12
In iOS 16 and later, the actual device name is not available without a special entitlement from Apple. This is for privacy reasons. If you meet all of the requirements then you can apply for the entit...
Tags: ios Flutter
2024-03-16 01:00:05
You're setting up correctly until the third step. It should be in the Distribution section. You created a distribution certificate type, but you selected a development provisioning.
2024-03-16 04:00:06
The Signing Certificate represents the developer. It says "Code signed with this certificate was developed by this person or company". For a developer certificate that's usually a person. For a dist...
Tags: ios xcode xcodebuild
2024-03-16 16:30:05
Edit the react-native/ReactCommon/yoga/yoga/Yoga.cpp file to fix the issue with the incorrect operator used. Replace the bitwise '|' operator with the logical '||' operator. Yoga.cpp issue with Xcod...
Tags: ios swift xcode


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