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Questions (3)
2024-03-12 06:30:07
The algo is the following: Spread item indices by size Make equal chunks of indices of the required group count Compare edges of the chunks and cut smaller index count on edges of siblings chunks Pro...
Tags: Javascript algorithm math
2024-03-16 09:00:10
There are two issues with your code. First, to disable bounds or define "unbounded bounds", one should use np.inf or -np.inf instead of None. Second, you are currently giving a list of tuples to scipy...
Tags: python math optimization
2024-03-17 06:00:08
gemv is a matrix-vector product, so each element of the result is a dot-product of the vector and a row or column of the matrix. That's a multiply and add, not just multiply. On modern hardware, that...
Tags: math cpu-architecture hpc


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