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Questions (28)
2024-03-12 07:30:05
Sadly, you can't host a backend (express) server on GitHub pages. Github Pages is used for hosting static websites -- just frontend, no db, no backend. I would recommend you look at glitch.com and v...
2024-03-12 13:00:04
Yes, your package.json configuration looks correct for your scenario. By marking canvas as an optional peer dependency and adding it to your devDependencies for use in tests, you've set up the relatio...
2024-03-12 18:00:10
I have one service principal with Reader role under subscription like this: In my case, I used below modified code and got the response with list of resource groups successfully: const { ResourceMana...
2024-03-12 20:30:05
You have to assign the return value of the init function to a variable and use that to call track. import { init } from "mixpanel"; import mixpanelConfig from "../../app/config/mixpanel.config"; cons...
2024-03-13 14:00:04
Assuming that the most recent record would be the one with the greatest created_at value, you could use an INSERT INTO ... SELECT as follows: INSERT INTO users_ill (user_id) SELECT $1 WHERE NOT EXISTS...
Tags: sql node.js postgresql
2024-03-13 18:30:08
From this issue comment, I tried the adding the line targetFilter: (target) => target.type() !== "other" to the puppeteer.launch and it seems to work const puppeteer = require("puppeteer-extra"); cons...
2024-03-13 20:30:06
It seems using a CryptoJS.lib.CipherParams as the first argument of the decrypt function fix the problem. Try this const crypto = require("crypto"); const CryptoJS = require("crypto-js"); const algor...
Tags: node.js cordova cryptojs
2024-03-14 19:00:07
The clue is in the name of the property you linked, poolSize. Elsewhere on the same page: The Buffer module pre-allocates an internal Buffer instance of size Buffer.poolSize that is used as a pool fo...
Tags: node.js binary-data
2024-03-15 03:00:05
You have probably not imported the https module prior to usage, try adding an import statement in the top of your file like this: import https from 'https' If you are using commonJS then try the foll...
Tags: Javascript node.js
2024-03-15 13:00:07
You can simply do this by adding a bash script, and calling it in your package.json. Step 1: create a bash script generate-controller-model-route.sh in the route folder #!/bin/bash file_name=$1 if [...
Tags: Javascript node.js bash


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